The act of sitting on one's hand for 20 minutes to make it go numb, and proceeding to jerk off with that hand. This will give the feeling of a hand job from someone else.
I gave myself the stranger many times in college.
by The Great X-wing Ace March 25, 2003
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From Chapelle Show:
To masturbate while you hands are numb, to give the sensation that someone else is pleasuring you.
Dave Chapelle as Lil' John: Sometimes i like to sit on my hand until it gets numb and then masturbate. I call it the stranger.
by sensei May 5, 2004
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When you sit on your hand until it becomes numb, then masturbate.
Last night, when nobody was home, I gave myself a stranger.
by Darron M. January 11, 2007
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Sitting on your hand until it falls asleep and then jerking off, giving you the feeling of a hand job from someone else.
last night i was hella bored so i pulled the stranger on myself
by arlie September 6, 2004
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When one sits on ones hands until there are numb and then jerks off. This will feel like a job from someone else, hence the name, "the stranger"
Mr. Freeze - stick joor hand in icewater until it is numb and proceed
The Snowman - stick your hand in snow and proceed
Pyro - Burn your hand until you cant feel it and proceed
My hand is numb......
by Coder #1337 May 9, 2005
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Person who mistakes you for your non-existent identical twin unless you talk in front of them.
by frabrizio March 5, 2017
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